Monday, November 18, 2013

Don Jon Review By Mason

      Very few movies can successfully balance raunchy  themes and heart. The exception of course being films like Kevin Smith's debut, Clerks and Judd Apatow's Knocked Up. There have been many cheap imitations of this successful balance (Wanderlust, Hall Pass, and countless others.) so imagine my surprise when an actor's directorial (!) and writing (!) debut ended up being one of my most favorite films of the year.

      Don Jon centers around the titular character, "Don" Jon Martello (Joseph Gordon Levett in an award-worthy role), a muscle bound New Jersey native who's life is all about "His body. His pad. His ride. His family. His church. His boys. His girls." but he has one big problem. He's addicted to internet pornography. In the film's brilliant opening Jon explains that he even prefers it to the real thing. So obviously, he has a hard time keeping a girl for very long or even liking a girl enough to want to see her again. This reigns true until one fateful night at the club he meets Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansen), the tall, blonde, girl of his dreams. Throughout the course of the movie we see Jon's struggle between his dream girl and his ultimate vice, both of which he sees he can't live without. Meanwhile Barbara becomes controlling of Jon and makes him give up porn, cleaning his house, and clubbing with "the guys". In another demand from Barbara, she makes him take a business class at the local community college to get a "real" job. It's at his class where he meets Esther (Julianne Moore), a widowed woman with whom he forms a strong friendship with along the way. I would say more but I wouldn't want to spoil some great scenes later on.


             The movie is both brilliantly written and brilliantly acted. You forget you are watching actors and you feel like you are watching real people. I think that Mr. Levett has a real ear for dialogue and it translates very well onto the screen. I was a bit apprehensive of this movie at first glance because of the New Jersey setting and typical New Jersey caricatures. It was beginning to look like they were going for some type of Jersey Shore parody. I am glad I was wrong. They aren't bland, tan, cursing, catchphrase machines; they are real people with very interesting things to say and do.


             All in all, Don Jon is a great movie with a solid cast, a fantastic script, and a nice message. If you are planning on seeing only one movie this awards season, please make it this one. You won't regret it.