Thursday, October 17, 2013

That Time That I Was Completely Wrong About The Evil Dead Remake

       I have always had a special connection with the Evil Dead trilogy. I was 12 years old when I rented Evil Dead and Army Of Darkness from the video store. The covers grabbed my attention right away. A guy with a chainsaw hand and an army of skeletons looked awesome. I popped them in the DVD player that night and had my mind blown. I had never seen anything like them before. They showed me what can be done with the horror genre, which is a genre that is overlooked constantly by the general public. They showed off some of the best camera work in movie history. And most of all they showed me the most fun I had ever had on a Friday night watching movies. I have carried the 3 Evil Dead movies with me ever since. I have watched them all at least 50 times each. I know all of the dialogue by heart. I proudly wore my Evil Dead shirt I purchased from a horror convention every chance I got until it got so worn out that I have had to recently retire it. 

          You can feel my anger when a remake was announced. I was saddened and angry. "How could this be allowed?" I would say. It was nothing short of blasphemous to remake one of the greatest horror movies of all time and one of my most beloved movies. Well, after months of fanboy nitpicking, I coughed up the dough and saw this dubious attrocity I was so dreading to see. I walked over to the auditorium where the movie was playing and looking down at the words "EVIL DEAD" printed on my ticket with disgust. After the insipid trailers ended, the movie started. "This is just wrong." I kept thinking. Well, imagine my surprise when halfway through the movie the angry fanboy turned into the 12 year old kid who watched the original Evil Dead on a Friday night on a beat-up rental copy from the video store. I could not stop smiling during the movie. 

         Evil Dead ended up being one hell of a satisfying movie. It was such a fun time to be had at the movies. I went in mad and came out giddy. It starts off very slow but like the original, around the 20 minute mark it gets great. It's chock full of many great nods to Evil Dead 1 and 2, the cast for the most part was very good, and the practical gore effects will make you cringe and smile. Evil Dead is the best thing I have ever been wrong about. Do yourselves a favor and stop nitpicking and check this movie out. It's groovy.

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